Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aldfalric discovers Harbour of Rhye

I, Aldfalric of Rhovenia, Last of the XIIIth Company, am keeping this diary to preserve what memory I have, that I might replace the memories of the isolation of before.

I managed to repair the ship well enough to get her worthy once more. As soon as I left I found myself within a storm. The storm that brought me here seems to have abated as quickly as it rose up. Such odd weather in these places.

Upon arrival I left my vessel to find a shire. This place is a coastal shire and is apparently rich in resources. I wandered across verdant fields that could easily turned with a plow till I heard the sounds of battle.

In the distance I saw warriors in numbers having at each other. Never one to turn down a fight I quickly became clad in maille and girded sword. What followed was a day of intense battle. I sided with several warriors of this realm in an attempt to capture a golden orb from an Island, whilst others attempted to do the same. We traveled to the island many times fighting foes as we went. Were it not for the courage of the warriors with me we would not have been successful. It only proves what courage and skill at arms can do even when the odds unfavorable.

When the battles subsided the warriors of this place gathered in council and spoke of a great many things. It is rare to find so many educated amongst the battlefield. Following the council I found it best to continue to scout this strange land so I took My Leave. Returning to the site of my vessel I decided that it would be a good place to begin my work. The boggy soil could provide iron, and the sand providing glass. With plenty of timber and sheltered coastline, this would be an ideal location. I set to work immediately.

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