Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Aldfalric discovers Harbour of Rhye

I, Aldfalric of Rhovenia, Last of the XIIIth Company, am keeping this diary to preserve what memory I have, that I might replace the memories of the isolation of before.

I managed to repair the ship well enough to get her worthy once more. As soon as I left I found myself within a storm. The storm that brought me here seems to have abated as quickly as it rose up. Such odd weather in these places.

Upon arrival I left my vessel to find a shire. This place is a coastal shire and is apparently rich in resources. I wandered across verdant fields that could easily turned with a plow till I heard the sounds of battle.

In the distance I saw warriors in numbers having at each other. Never one to turn down a fight I quickly became clad in maille and girded sword. What followed was a day of intense battle. I sided with several warriors of this realm in an attempt to capture a golden orb from an Island, whilst others attempted to do the same. We traveled to the island many times fighting foes as we went. Were it not for the courage of the warriors with me we would not have been successful. It only proves what courage and skill at arms can do even when the odds unfavorable.

When the battles subsided the warriors of this place gathered in council and spoke of a great many things. It is rare to find so many educated amongst the battlefield. Following the council I found it best to continue to scout this strange land so I took My Leave. Returning to the site of my vessel I decided that it would be a good place to begin my work. The boggy soil could provide iron, and the sand providing glass. With plenty of timber and sheltered coastline, this would be an ideal location. I set to work immediately.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

HOR 7/26/13 – A retelling of the day by Minnie Mo

Greetings, my name is Minnie Mo and I am the housekeeper of Mishmosh Manor. I’ve been housekeeper here for many years and have seen all sorts of things. Look into my eyes and see what I’ve seen.

[You are drawn into the dark brown eyes of the housekeeper. You find you cannot take yourself away from them. The world seems to grow dark around you until there is nothing but the blackness of her pupils. Suddenly a blinding light erupts. You close your eyes to protect yourself from the glare. Slowly you blink and open them to find . . .] 

There be monsters! 


The village around Mishmosh Manor consists of all sorts of beings. There are vampires, humans, giants, the undead and more. Usually we all get along but some sort of spell must have been cast on the villagers. Fighting ensued amongst them.

A less experienced fighter paired with a more experienced one and in pairs they did battle to hold territory on three levels. The winner of a lower level proceeded to the next level to battle another team. Fighting continued for what seemed like ages. When exhausted a fighter would rest to refresh himself and another would take his place. No team stayed the same. I saw a giant fall to a member of the Sith. A vampire hovered on one knee as he battled one of the giants and the Polar Bear Monster at the same time.

The spell casters were unable to break the spell that had everyone fighting. In fact they found themselves drawn into it. It turned out that only the men were affected by the spell leaving the women to tend to their wounds; however, once bandaged the men went out to battle again.
Although she usually avoids violence, the town’s unicorn saw that her help was needed. If she didn’t do something to heal them they would all drop dead from battle fatigue. A bright warm golden glow escaped the unicorn’s horn and slowly enveloped every member of the village. As suddenly as it started, the fighting ended and no one could remember what the fighting was about.
The unicorn explained that she felt the effects of a golden orb that was cracked. The orb was on an island just off the coast so she tasked the villagers to bring her the orb so that she may heal it. She warned them that the orb was guarded by fierce warriors and the closer they got to the orb the more they would feel its pull to battle.

They invaded the island on two sides. Some swam while others went on boats. Inch by agonizing inch the villagers approached the island. The fierce warriors stood vigil over the orb blind to its effects; just that they had to protect it at all costs.

The ships had to navigate around treacherous rocky reefs. The undead and the vampire swam through the buffeting waves. With determination they approached the island. Enraged and snarling, the warriors lined the coast to fend of the villagers. One of the warriors stabbed the vampire who feigned his death so he could sneak further onto the island. A black armored villager pitted himself against a spear wielding giant. Arrows flew. Swords clashed. At times there were two villagers against one warrior but even then the battle seemed lost to the villagers.

With perseverance the villagers continued their fight. They must retrieve the orb to restore sanity to their village. A very young but fierce warrior protected the orb until he was finally overwhelmed and fell in battle. The other warriors cared not for their fallen comrade for only the orb was important. Collecting their injured and the fallen young warrior, the villagers took the orb back to the unicorn in the village knowing that the fierce warriors protecting the orb would soon be in pursuit.
The unicorn explained that the cracked orb was in such immense pain. She touched her horn to the orb and slowly the crack began to heal. The warriors from the island caught up to the villagers and slowly began to recover their senses. Those that could remember told the story of how the orb had washed onto the shores of their island after a great storm. No one knew how it came to be cracked; only that everyone started to feel the effects shortly after its discovery.
Everyone then gathered around the young fallen warrior. He who dealt the fatal blow was sullen, “Insane though he was, he had much strength for someone so young.”
The lord of the undead approached the fallen warrior and whispered into his ear, “Too young. Not ready for you am I. Return to the living.”
With a sudden, and shocking, inhale of breath the young warrior came to life. Shouts of glee turned into roars before a sudden screech drew everyone’s attention to the dark night sky. They peered into the darkness, wondering what man or beast could make such a sound.
[You hear a high pitched whine but see nothing but the darkness. You are once again drawn into it. A soft light grows. You see the housekeeper]
Oh, my kettle is calling. Come, sit by the fire and warm yourself. I’ll make you a cup of tea. You will be staying for a while, I’m sure. Shortly you will meet the other guests. They have stories to tell as well.